The Skeptical Auditor: What You May Be Overlooking in the 2024 IIA Standards

Photos of Hal Garyn and Hernan Murdock in front of a light graphic background and a banner with the words "The Skeptical Auditor" on top

Join us for an exciting webinar with edutainer Lauren Deal and renowned audit industry expert Hal Garyn, as they discuss a unique perspective on the latest IIA standards. Hal will not only highlight what he sees as the positive aspects, but also point out some challenges and potential concerns, addressing topics often overlooked in other analyses. Acquire invaluable insights into the impact on internal audit, as these seasoned experts navigate the complexities of the new standards, providing participants with a nuanced understanding crucial for staying ahead in the field. Don't miss out on this chance to deepen your knowledge and actively participate in the discussion during the Q&A session at the end. Join us for an enlightening session that pledges to empower and inform audit teams for the upcoming year.

Hal Garyn


Hal Garyn


March 5, 2024


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